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Baton Rouge, LA, 70806
United States

a little about kate...



Over the years…

I’ve encountered the assumption that because I teach yoga, and have for so long, that this automatically means I eat well, I am physically fit, I live peacefully and am grounded. Well, I’m here to offer a more transparent view of my life and a lot about my life is channeled into my teachings through Yoga Path. So this home page is not your traditional home page.

I thrive on authenticity and my path has been learning to honor my own authentic self, honor my own vulnerability, and offer myself the compassion I so readily offer to other people. I’ve lived most of my five decades on this planet as a peacekeeper struggling with anxiety and depression. I’ve gone through phases where it takes everything I’ve got to get out of bed and get to the responsibilities of life, while waiting until I can crawl back under the covers again. For decades, I’ve taken medicine and I’ve taken myself off of medicine. I’ve internalized my hurt and channeled it into angry dialogues that run through my head beating me up with each step. In this way, I’ve caused myself immense heartache and pain.

Over my thirty years of practice, yoga has absolutely offered me the tools I’ve needed to be that person I so much wanted to feel like on the inside - light-filled, peaceful, grounded, healthy. But what I neglected to do was give myself the grace of being human. Like so many of us, (all of us?), when I started to feel great, that’s when I would take myself off my medicine, stop practicing regularly, care a little less about what I put in my body, and it would take months for the downward spiral to start. I would ignore it until I hit rock bottom.

But here’s the great thing about having people who know how to love themselves, love you, and also be the people who surround you. No matter where I was, they could always see my light. They could always see my love. They were there to remind me, every single time, that I was so much more than my fear. Relationship has always been important to me. Fast forward a couple decades, I have the wisdom to know that not everyone has this. I have immense gratitude for the amazing support system I have and part of my work in this world is to pay it forward.

Yoga Path is one of the best tools in my toolbox to do exactly that.

I’m in a place where I can actually look at my life with a bit more wisdom. I finally realized that no one is coming to save me, but me. Healing is a slow process and I sure want that guarantee!!! It hasn’t happened across the board of my life, but every time I fall, I get back up a little easier, a little sooner, and a little closer to internalizing my own self-worth, self-compassion, and appreciation for what I bring to this world.

I connect through shared experience. It’s the only way I know how to teach. Its where my material comes from when I lead a class, when I work with clients, and when I feel that hunger to dive into my studies. I learned a while ago that victimization is not shared experience and I’m learning to discern with whom I share my vulnerabilities. What I am, is a very sensitive person. I’m an empath and I can pick up on someone’s energy in a heartbeat. I can hold a safe space for others. I can be compassionate. These are gifts I’ve been given by Diving source.

I still have my work ahead of me. My challenges revolve around holding my own boundaries, not personalizing people’s reactions when I’m honoring what I know is right for me in the moment. I’m breaking away from the shameful dialogue that I run through my head and gets so quickly triggered. I’m learning to let people have their own sadness, anger, and anxiety without jumping into caretaker mode. Its not always graceful. I don’t have this skill set down pat. Its uncomfortable, but I’m learning that every time I do it, its always rewarding.