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Remembering an Anniversary


Remembering an Anniversary

Yoga Path

Yoga Path began solely as a teacher training school and quickly grew into a school and a studio. While it provided a home base for a yoga community I deeply love,  running a studio changed the relationship I had to my work as a teacher.  During this same time, I was also learning how to be a wife to my awesome husband and a mom to my beautiful son.  I wasn’t a business minded person. I was a yoga teacher who was now running a business and I constantly felt like I was in over my head.  Owning the studio was not my calling, but I kept answering to it anyway for the next seven years.  This was me insane.  I didn’t realize how burnt out and unhappy I had become; that was,  until an event occured that changed the course of my life, and by extension, that of Yoga Path.

Labor Day weekend of 2018 I was involved an ATV wreck.  My husband and son found me in the woods, flat on my back, 100 feet from the overturned four-wheeler.  My fly through space on this vehicle broke my neck at C2, my jaw all the way through, gave me a traumatic brain injury, and pretty much left me looking like, well,  I had been through an ATV wreck.   I spent the next four months home bound, in a neck brace 24/7.  I had my jaw wired shut for a month.  I should not have lived through the neck injury; most people don’t.  I certainly shouldn’t be walking; rarely anyone does if they survive.  Yet, here I am. I had no choice but to heal. It took a strong support system, two years of physical therapy, mental health therapy, and a lot of patience. The energy that was required in order for that healing to occur is what shaped the course of my life in a new and very healthy way.

Being away from the studio took its toll, and after a ton of  hard work, fervent loyalty, and heartfelt dedication, the studio stayed viable during my recovery and we brought it back in good standing a year later.   I had to do all the things required of a business owner that I had avoided like the plague in the past...standing up for myself and Yoga Path.  I had the hard conversations, the rough consequences, loss of relationships, and a million jewels of wisdom that were gifted to me through my wreck.  I found my voice, my truth, and I wasn’t going to sacrifice it again because I was too afraid to listen and follow.   I was ready to get back to my calling as a teacher and decided to close the studio.

Now, I’m sitting here in 2023, maintaining a personal practice that saves my life by reminding me of my light and keeps me from falling into comfortable, familiar, self-doubt and fear.  I’m surrounded by people who love me and who I grow and learn from everyday.  Yoga Path thrives through my work with clients, teaching small classes, working in the community, and leading teacher trainings and workshops.  This is how I give back to the world.  Teaching is a gift and it feeds my soul.  Teaching requires community and Yoga Path’s inclusive community is still a home base.

The journey back to my body after my wreck gave me a lesson in compassion I have woven into every lesson I lead.  It has opened my heart and allowed me to hold a space of acceptance and safety for my students. It is not a journey that is at all over, and I still struggle. My struggles have changed but they are what comes with being human. My path of self-compassion is a life long lesson. My role in this life is to share what I learn.